Saturday, January 4, 2020

Anchorage to Homer, AK 3 ways to travel via car, and plane

Several peony and vegetable gardens maintained by the Homer Gardening Club, plus benches and viewing scopes to check out the glaciers and volcanoes makes this a park everyone must visit! Stop in the Homer Chamber of Commerce information + rest stop shack for flyers, posters, and listed services for all sorts of activities, vendors and places to eat and stay in Homer. Turn to the east on Skyline and you’ll find the Carl E. Wynn Nature Center, which offers guided walks with a naturalist familiar with the area. Watch for sandhill cranes as well as moose and occasional porcupine.

is homer alaska near anchorage

The best sea kayaking in Homer can also be found in the protected coves and bays ofKachemak Bay State Park. Kayaks can be carried across the bay and dropped-off with a water taxi operator or rented from an outfitter that supplies boats within the state park. A Seward to Homer road trip is a great option for a quick, easy trip. The distance between the two cities is just 168 miles or about a three-hour drive, so you can spend less time traveling and more time exploring. The drive from Anchorage to Valdez takes 6 to 7 hours on average.

What is Homer Alaska Known For?

Once in Seward, you can walk right up to the face of a glacier! Exit Glacier is just a 10- to 15-minute drive from town; a 20-minute walk brings you right up to the mountain of blue ice, where you can listen to it crackle. It is thought to be a moraine left behind by a long ago glacier that may have also been the creator of Kachemak Bay. The Spit was continuously reshaped by ocean currents until about 1000 years ago when early Alaska Natives began to inhabit it and re-inforced it in places to keep it from washing away. To this day, Homerites are keeping an eye on erosion and sandbagging as needed to prevent this vital piece of the town from being cut off from the mainland. Adventures of a lifetime, unique merchants, amazing animals and spectacular views await you in Homer’s eight distinctive neighborhoods.

The Alaska Native Heritage Center shares the heritage of Alaska's 11 major cultural groups. These 11 groups are the Athabaskan people, Eyak people, Tlingit people, Haida people, Tsimshian people, Unangax people , Alutiiq people, Yup'ik, Cup'ik, Siberian Yupik, and Inupiaq. The Alaska Zoo is a zoo located in Anchorage, Alaska located on 25 acre of the Anchorage Hillside. It is a popular attraction in Alaska, with nearly 200,000 visitors per year. The quickest flight from Homer Airport to Anchorage Airport is the direct flight which takes 45 min. Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world.

Find Transport to Anchorage

Outdoor exhibits feature a historic cabin, botanical gardens and a nature trail. Wit­ness giant trac­tors tow­ing the Kenai Penin­su­la’s fleet out to water’s edge and launch­ing them into the tide on their quest for fish. You can camp here, scout for wildlife, fish for steel­head, and enjoy some of the best puf­fin view­ing on the Kenai. King salmon enter Deep Creek dur­ing late May and ear­ly June and con­tin­ue to spawn into ear­ly July. Watch for their dark red bod­ies in the rif­fles and deep­er holes. A very lim­it­ed fish­ing sea­son is pro­vid­ed dur­ing the ear­ly sum­mer for kings and steelheads.

Cabins here are a unique blend of back-to-nature bliss and high-tech comfort, with 12-foot-high dome units set on wooden platforms with private decks and bay windows. You may see bears right out your front door, wandering through the meadow or fishing in the river. Or take guided excursions with your hosts to see even more of the magnificent creatures. For a quieter day trip with fewer people, hike with your guide to watch as coastal brown bears feast on sedge grass, dig for clams or catch salmon coming in with the tide. Either choice provides hours of fascinating viewing as bears move through their pristine Alaskan habitats.


Wildlife cruises of Kachemak Bay and King salmon fishing are offered year-round. Route 1 from Anchorage to Tern Lake, Route 9 from Tern Lake to Seward. See the bears of Lake Clark and Kat­mai Nation­al Park on their own turf at this bliss­ful­ly remote cab­in-based eco lodge.

Ravn Alaska offers a 45-minute flight from Anchorage to Homer. If you don't book in advance, it can be more expensive than other options, but gives you more time in Homer. Cruise along at about 10,000 – 15,000 feet, with views of the Chugach Range, the mountainous and glaciated Kenai Peninsula, and volcanoes along Cook Inlet. If you look closely enough, you may even spot a Beluga whale.

Can you see the Northern Lights in Anchorage?

Find their wares at the Homer Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays & Saturdays from late May to late September. Visiting the unique town of Seldovia is sure to be a highlight of your vacation. Biologist badge on a quest through informative indoor displays, featuring history, geology, wildlife, seabirds, and more. Homer is bursting with fabulous art from all types of local artists.

Extreme low tides (say a minus-15 foot) expose interesting sub-sea flora and fauna on beaches and harbor piers. Thanks to its location across Cook Inlet fromKatmai National Park and Preserve, Homer is a major departure point for bear viewing trips. Located on the Alaska Peninsula, 100-plus miles southwest of Homer by floatplane, the park is home to some of the largest brown bears in Alaska.

Kenai Peninsula Suites boasts 5 unique cabins (including two that are semi-subterranean) set high on a bluff overlooking Kachemak Bay. All were built with local wood and come with kitchenettes, gas grills, and porches. Their sister property, Alaskan Suites, also features 5 cabins high on a bluff overlooking the bay.

Book a charter and head out angling for halibut, salmon, lingcod, and rockfish. This trip takes you to Seward and Homer, two of Alaska's most gorgeous waterfront towns. In addition to enjoying these quaint places, you'll have the opportunity to go for a stunning glacier and wildlife cruise and try your hand at world-class halibut fishing.

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